So sleepy, partly because the work hasn’t been progressing since 2 this afternoon; the connection with clients normally switches off after 12pm each day. During the rest of day, I mostly spend on sleeping with my eyes open. Sometimes I think it’s good in a way that manager is at the field, at least, I am less likely to fall asleep since he harasses me every five minutes.
I am happy recently, started feeling a lot more confident in myself. I will start a life as a trader in about a month time, a life I dreamed for two years, well, at least more than a year. You might ask me why, I would say is because of the stress and excitement. At least, it keeps me awake when the market opens, and frankly also because of the money.
I started reading Liar’s Poker, honestly, there are parts which is funny, the rest is truly uninteresting. The book is written by a trader who worked for Soloman Brothers – Now Citigroup, which was one time the most profitable investment bank on the Wall Street and is about his trader career since graduating from London School of Economics. Let me explain a bit more about the name of the book – Liar’s Poker, cool name, isn’t it? Liar’s Poker is a type of gamble. The rule of the game is no rules. The success is mainly or rather, solely through bluffing.
Sorry, don’t have time finishing the story, will follow up some other time!